Tuesday, 1 December 2009


I finished my manuscript today. Kinda. I still need to edit and polish and strain through a sieve, but the actual storyline is all down on 'paper', woohoo!

I thought I would feel elated beyond belief when I finally reached this point, but I just feel exhausted. I'm eager to start editing now, but I have to attend to other matters for a change, like debts and looking for a job. I sacrificed having money, in order to finish my book by the end of December, and I beat my deadline by 4 weeks, so I'm pleased about that. If I can get a tight edit done by New Year, I'll be a happy bunny.

It's almost three am; I finally ate today around half an hour ago, when my stomach was gnawing so badly, I thought I might DIE. A male friend said I looked like I've lost weight, the other day. I told him I've been working on my book. I don't think he made the connection, hehe.

So, anyhoo, I'm saving the champagne for when it's edited. Or maybe when I get a copy printed out. It's going to take a lot of ink.


  1. I'm elated for you, if you're still too tired to be ecstatic about finishing!! Whoo-hoo! When it's my turn, you can cheer for me.

  2. I sit here by the cold fireplace, wondering if I'll ever get this draft finished.


  3. I told you this before, but congratulations again!

    With the length of your book and the complexity of your plot, I think you've achieved a greater accomplishment than I have. ;)

  4. Aw, thanks, guys! I know what Frodo felt like when he fulfilled his mission to destroy the ring. Better, even, 'cause his friend carried him towards the end, haha :)
