Monday, 16 August 2010

Sometimes, this spinster wishes she were a dolt...

So, I've decided I shall bemoan my singleness while I'm hormonal. It's better to feel sorry for myself than be bitchy...although, sometimes I'd beg to differ with myself.

Anyhoo, tonight's complaint is this. I probably shouldn't aimlessly surf so much...

Apparently, only 0.003% of the British population share my IQ. I just read a post on a forum that says exactly what I'm thinking!

"The truth is, intelligence, being smart, really truly smart, is a horribly lonely affair. It is soul-crushingly lonely. For someone such as me with an IQ as a stupid, naive, child was last measured at 142. That's roughly .14% or 14 / 10,000. Now restrict that sample to agiven location and there may be (if you're lucky) a few hundred people in the area you live in (this depends of course on where you live, I'm speaking for my current situation). Now how many of those are roughly your age? How many are of the opposite sex, emotionally compatible, attractive, and single? In many to most cases the answer is nearly nil. What are the odds of meeting such a person? Imagine how lonely a situation that is, and it's just simply arrived at by simple analysis."

For me, that percentage works out at approximately 1500. FIFTEEN HUNDRED PEOPLE. Of these people, how many are male and single and possess all the other attributes mentioned in the excerpt above?

No wonder I'm a spinster! >:(

One might say choosing a mate on intelligence is unnecessary, but even if I were not attracted to the mind, more often than not, men date women less intelligent than them. And shorter than them. And less bossy.

*sigh* I guess I could sell my least I'd get some recompense!


  1. Oh girl - I so relate.

    I didn't get married until I was 40 - never had kids. My IQ isn't even that high - but I'm a smart ass, which makes it so much worse.

    When you are dealing with men - they are so slow to mature because they are driven by hormones. In the business you are in - you aren't going to find the smart men.

    The intelligent guys are geeks - who hang out online and would never dare hit you up for a date.

    If you would take some advice from an old woman - get onto the dating sites, and look for men who are your equal in the ways that matter. There are a lot of kind and loving men out there - but after a lifetime of crazy men they are going to look boring as hell. Write down what you value most - and give yourself a break.

    Big hug to you!

  2. I dunno about dating sites tbh.....i jioned one recently 'plenty of fish' after i hooked up with my old school friend who has been in a relatinship with a guy she met on a dating site for 2 years now.....i deleted my profile within 2 weeks.

    I got messages off guys that could barely manage more than messages that were 2 lines long...i got guys that were just looking for sex....i got guys that were just unusual and then one who was in his 40's and told me he had never been sexually involved with a woman and that wasnt what put me off because his messages were quite witty and intresting..

    What put me off was that I told this guy i wasnt even sure if I wanted to even meet anyone off the line, however everyday he was sending several messages asking when could we meet up and informing me that he had told his family he had met someone online...

    I'm like 'woah slow down boy....I'm just not feeling that tbh...if i meet u it will be very quick in Costa or something..but this guy had us cuddleing on the sofa whilst he whispered sweet nothings in my ear and walking along a beach lost in romance...

    He also wanted me to meet him minus my hijab, which is just out of the question. Okay I'm a complicated girl and I chose to wear Hijab for other reasons than religion, I respect religions and I like to be properly informed so I've studied several, however i dont identify myself as a religious person...

    This guysaid his family and friends he had told so much about me wouldnt understand so please when we go out can i just leave it off...I would never go out without it so tbh 'no'....and I never told nobody after a week of messageing that I was ready to meet them anyway,never mind their family.

  3. I have kids but no husband, and after some of the shit I've been through in relationships and as an indirect cause of relationships..I sometimes feel that maybe I am better off single? I wouldnt want to be in a relationship like ones I've been in again hence why I woke up and smelt the coffee...

    I also have friends who are with men for whatever reason and tbh when i look at what goes on behind the scenes in their relationships I would also rather be single than too proud to admit that things are terribly wrong..and get out...

    Unless I'm just too choosy or have an ideal of what I want form a man that is unrealistic?...I kind of doubt it though when I think of the shit I put up with in the past..

    I dont like being alone though...I want someone to share life with and I want to go to bed at night with more to hold than my teddy I treated myself to from 'Build a Bear'...I want someone to talk to and do fun stuff....and someone to just chill with when the kids are in bed at night.

  4. I recently hooked up with a guy I used to go to school with, we hadnt seen each other for 14 years...turns out he had been in a relationship for 10 years, seperated for 1, he had kids also he had responsibility for every other weekend and school holidays..he had a job, and we got on like a house on fire..

    Two dates later my guy is telling me he isn't looking for love tbh he's looking a 'fuck buddy' and is intrested in 'swinging/swapping' whatever u wanna call it...n I'm like hell noooooooooo.....not me I'm a kind of exclusive girl...

    Well since he see he wasnt gonna get piece he dust and I dont hear from said guy again...Okay love I dont wanna beat u but we was cool as friends!!!!!!????? wernt we?

    Seems men dont wanna know unless they getting something...well ones I meet...U know I dont know if I will meet a guy on my level...I've had certain guys in the past tell me I'm 'slow' even said I had a low mental age...I know that is not the case...I'm just different......I'm just me....oops sorry this is just like a blog...I also am aware I have verbal diarreah......:-)

    Good luck girl....

  5. pls dnt watch my typing errors i never did finish the 'mavis beacon'

  6. update if anyone is intrested i just get so bored you know............well i joined zoosk seeing as it keeps popping up on my facebook page and i started chatting to a guy very near to me added each other to facebook and been on instant chat several nights and i feel that this too was a wasted venture.

    He is mssging me constantly, wants my phone number, wants me to meet him as soon as possible, last night at 2am wanted to get a taxi all the way to where i live to say 'hello', says he cant stop thinking about me, he doesnt know me and the best bit of it all he has only got a student visa in UK and doesnt like it here and will not be staying after his studies are over so even if he wasnt vergeing on the semi stalker line then whatever would the point be for me?

    my advice Ilyria is to stay well away from these dating site and if you are tempted I wish you all the luck in the world to find someone who is not bizarre..........

    i myself will be keeping far away from them, and probably will have to remain a book reading geek in my lonely hours.........

  7. Ooo I didn't realise I had comments on this blog. Catching up now :) x
