Tuesday, 12 January 2010

A little writing music...

...and the visuals help, too.

Headliner has rockstar rivalry in it, with newcomer Brett Stone becoming a thorn in the side of Wolf Taylor, frontman with Sapphic. Wolf's determined to get back on the metal throne; hype about the band died down while he recovered from a serious accident. Much to his chagrin, the label's just picked up Brett, a dirty-blond rebel, with an attitude.

The California girls are ecstatic. Brett and Wolf are fire and ice, and Los Angeles ain't big enough for the two of them. Expect fireworks!

A little mood music, if you will.


  1. Ah, yes, the days of big hair, leather pants and sweaty musicians who smelled like booze. Takes me back to what little I remember of the 1980's. (giggles)

  2. Haha, if you don't remember much, you know you had a good time :)
